Draft Winning Applications
in the Click of a Button
- Find finding opportunities
- Draft winning applications
- 1-click
How it Works?
Draft Applications In Minutes, Not Days!
Our Ai learns about your organisation
Create your knowledge library with marketing materials, proposals, case studies and past applications.
Instantly matches you with funding opportunities
Using this information our Ai will learn about your organisation and instantly matches you with funding.
Write high quality funding applications
Draft personalised responses based on the funder's requirements and your knowledge library
Replicates your writing style in responses
Upload examples of your writing and our Ai will replicate this when producing responses.
Search for data to support your applications
Save time searching for national and local data, our Ai can produce this in seconds.
Save templates and add these into your application
Save extracts from previous applications and quickly add these into new responses.
Indentify Funding
Insantly find funding opportunities
We use AI to understand your organisation and instantly match you to funding opportunities.
5,000+ grants and tenders
Daily updates
Email notifications
Draft Applications
Draft applications minutes, not days
Our Ai can draft winning responses in the click of a button.
Responses based on your knowledge base
Reference the funders criteria
Replicates your own writing style
Edit Responses
Edit and improve responses using Ai
Use our built-in editor to edit responses including adding text, rewording paragraphs and adding data
Easy to use editor
Use Ai to edit and generate text
What impact can Ai have on bid writing?
Reduce costs by 90%
Reduce writing time by 85%
Increase success rate by 205%
Trusted by charities and non-profits across the UK
We work with charities and non-profits, spanning many sectors. Whatever industry you’re in, we’re here to partner with you and help you thrive.