Grant Funding

Boosting Advice Fund

This fund aims to support advice-focused organisations to improve the quality of, and access to, advice for older people facing financial hardship and achieve outcomes against the following themes:

  • Income – Older people facing financial hardship will have sufficient income and receive the financial support they are entitled to. This may include work around Pension Credit, Attendance Allowance, Attendance Allowance form filling, Carers Allowance, Pension Age Disability Payment, and Carers Support Payment.
  • Costs – Older People facing financial hardship are protected from unfair or unavoidable costs. This can include working around bill reduction, supporting older people with housing repairs, dealing with rent increases, and supporting older people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Funding is for projects that will achieve one or more of the following outcomes:

 Outcomes for older people:

  • Increased number of older people in the fund’s target locations accessing advice and support for financial wellbeing.
  • Improved access to in-person skilled and knowledgeable financial hardship advice.
  • Increased number of older people unlocking and accessing benefits they are entitled to.

 Outcomes for funded organisations:

  • Increased reach and engagement with older people facing financial hardship.
  • Improved organisational resources or capacity to provide support to older people facing financial hardship.
  • Increased understanding of, and engagement with, older people facing inequalities and financial hardship, particularly those who are most at risk in later life.

 Eligible costs include:

  • An additional role to deliver the work.
  • The costs of running advice and advocacy sessions in community venues.
  • Producing information leaflets and/or videos.
  • Training for existing staff.
  • Expanding volunteer capacity support.

Priority will be given to the following groups of people aged over 65 who are at greater risk of facing financial hardship, including:

  • Single people.
  • Women.
  • People from minoritised ethnic communities.
  • Private/social renters.
  • Carers.
  • People with long-term conditions or disabilities.

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