Grant Funding

Charles Hayward Foundation

Funding of up to £75k to prevent people entering the criminal justice system and to support those already in the system to move on and rebuild their lives.  We fund early intervention programmes with young children and their families, tailored preventative work with young people at risk, and holistic support services aimed at reducing re-offending and aiding re-settlement.

The Foundation also looks to alleviate the consequences of domestic abuse and criminal exploitation of vulnerable persons.

We fund projects in the following sub-categories:

  • Targeted early intervention programmes aimed at reaching the most troubled and vulnerable families in a community.
  • Preventative and diversionary projects for young people at risk of offending including tailored interventions identifying and addressing the particular needs of girls and young women.
  • Programmes, particularly those with a focus on young offenders, combining prison based and community interventions dealing with rehabilitation of offenders, accommodation and support on release, helping with maintaining family relationships, mentoring, and mapping and creating pathways to employment.
  • Schemes offering viable alternatives to custody, in particular for women and young people.
  • Programmes of support directed towards rehabilitating the victims of domestic abuse and criminal exploitation.

Our funding priorities:

  • The trustees look for a holistic approach addressing multiple and complex needs with a range of appropriate interventions.
  • They like to see programmes tailored to individual needs and local situations involving families and communities; these can be designed and delivered in partnership.
  • The Foundation is open to creative and specialist approaches and trialling new solutions.
  • Programmes should be of appropriate duration and intensity, have a clear rationale and be properly monitored and evaluated.
  • There should be a plan for the future, including an ‘exit strategy’.

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