Grant Funding

Community Fund

The Community Fund aims to invest in projects at a local level which can achieve positive outcomes for individuals and communities across three key areas:

  • Locations / Communities: to support key or priority community locations be or feel safe(r);
  • Victims: to provide services or deliver projects which aim to prevent people from becoming victims of crime or anti-social behaviour (ASB), or decrease the chance of people becoming repeat victims;
  • Offenders: to provide services or deliver projects which aim to prevent people from becoming offenders or decrease the chance of people becoming repeat offenders

Grants can be awarded for specific projects that support communities within North Yorkshire to “Be Safe and Feel Safe”, including:

  • Diversionary activities for children and young people
  • Promoting safety and reducing the fear of crime and anti-social behaviour
  • Support for victims
  • Improving community cohesion
  • Preventing crime and anti-social behaviour
  • Supporting the purchase of specific pieces of equipment in key community locations

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