Grant Funding

Customer and Community Investment Fund

LNER’s Customer and Community Investment Fund (CCIF) supports charities, our customers, and the communities of our route, focusing on the causes that are of key importance to us.

The core themes the fund supports are mental health, education and employability skills amongst marginalised groups, diversity and inclusion, and environmental sustainability.


The key themes the fund supports are those areas with a demonstrable link to our business, vision, and values, where we believe we can achieve the greatest impact. The themes are:

  • Mental health – Creating a culture of positive mental health, bringing people and communities together and taking positive action to preventing suicide.
  • Education and employability skills – A focus on building skills, promoting employability and education amongst marginalised groups by investing in the skills requirements of now and in the future.
  • Diversity and inclusion – Supporting diverse and inclusive community projects, creating opportunities for learning and the social mobility of vulnerable groups.
  • Environmental Sustainability –By providing support to environmental projects and encouraging sustainable mobility, for our customers and communities. There are three areas we would like CCIF applications to focus on, which are outlined below.
    • Biodiversity – projects on rewilding areas, creating new or extending existing wildlife corridors and regeneration of urban spaces
    • Sustainable Travel – projects that encourage communities to travel more to sustainably, to and from LNER trains stations.
    • Waste Reduction and the Circular Economy – would be open to projects that would help LNER reduce or would convert waste into a reusable asset.

The minimum amount that can be requested is £1000 and the maximum amount is £50,000.

Trusted by charities and non-profits across the UK

We work with charities & non-profits spanning many sectors. Whatever industry you’re in, we’re here to partner with you and help you win more grants.