Grant Funding

Funding Programme For Specialist Small Charities

£75k of grants are available to strengthen the capacity and capabilities of small, local specialist charities supporting people facing complex issues in England and/or Wales.

The programme offers both an unrestricted grant and tailored support aimed at helping to strengthen charities and build the knowledge, skills and capabilities of staff and trustees.

The programme is intended for registered charities and charitable incorporated organisations operating mainly in England and/or Wales who are helping people living in England and/or Wales

Applicants must be providing in-depth services in one of the following eight themes:

  • Addiction
  • Asylum Seekers and Refugees
  • Care Leavers
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Homelessness
  • Offending
  • • Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
  • Trafficking and Modern Slavery.

The foundation wants to partner with charities that show they:

  • Understand the makeup of the communities they support and work with.
  • Recognise the people in those communities who experience inequity.
  • Proactively reach and engage with people to address the inequity they experience.
  • Are inclusive and make people feel welcomed, valued and that they belong.

Trusted by charities and non-profits across the UK

We work with charities & non-profits spanning many sectors. Whatever industry you’re in, we’re here to partner with you and help you win more grants.