Funding of up to £90k to encourage greater collaboration between the NHS and VCFSE organisations to help tackle health inequalities and achieve the following outcomes:
- Provide prevention and early intervention support for individuals in Liverpool communities who experience health inequalities.
- Provide empowerment and well-being support for individuals in Liverpool communities who experience health inequalities.
- Provide funding for VCFSE organisations that offer health and wellbeing support to communities experiencing health inequalities and patients referred by the NHS, linked to social prescribing schemes.
- Provide funding to VCFSE organisations for health and wellbeing support offered to people not using NHS services but who are experiencing or at risk of physical illness and/or mental distress and health inequalities.
- Develop and test approaches for improved dialogue and joint working between NHS, PCNs, and VCSE organisations.
Proposals must support health and well-being in the following communities:
- People in Liverpool who live in the 10% most deprived communities in the IMD nationally) Further information on eligible areas can be found in the guidance notes) and are also;
- Part of one of the following groups:
- Ethnic minority/traveller communities.
- People who have a disability (physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities and families/carers.
- Pregnant women and/or children aged less than five and their families.
- Participants who are involved through a community organisation’s own work or referrals from Liverpool GP practices.