Grant Funding

Million Hours Fund

Funding of up to £100k is for organisations to give extra support to young people in areas where they may be at risk of anti-social behaviour. We want to fund extra hours of youth work for additional activities that give these young people more places to go and positive things to do.

To apply your project must:

  • benefit young people aged 11 to 18, or up to 25 for young people with SEND
  • effectively engage with young people at risk of anti-social behaviour
  • deliver more hours of youth work than you are already providing
  • show how you involve young people in deciding how your project works
  • deliver youth work that is open access and free from barriers to attend
  • deliver youth work that is run by trusted adults such as qualified youth workers, youth support workers, or experienced volunteers

We want to fund extra hours of youth work that will help young people to have:

  • improved emotional wellbeing
  • improved life and practical skills
  • access to trusted relationships with adults and feel safer.

By ‘youth work’ we mean an activity that improves young people’s well-being through education or leisure, supported by a voluntary relationship with a trusted adult. This can include detached youth work.

Trusted by charities and non-profits across the UK

We work with charities & non-profits spanning many sectors. Whatever industry you’re in, we’re here to partner with you and help you win more grants.