Grant Funding

Racial Equity Programme

Up to £75k for small local charities and CICs which are led by and working with people who are experiencing economic inequity because of their race or ethnicity.

Your organisation will be led by the communities you serve, working with people over the long term to help them break free from poverty and achieve their potential. Your organisation will be directly delivering services that help people from racially minoritised communities experiencing significant economic disadvantage.

You must meet this programme criteria to be considered for funding.

  • You will be directly delivering services that help people from racially minoritised communities experiencing significant economic disadvantage. You will be delivering services which support people over the long term. You will support people to strengthen their immediate personal or financial circumstances and then support them to make progress towards achieving their employment/career aspirations and ambitions.
  • Your organisation will be led by and working for communities experiencing inequity because of their race or ethnicity. By this, we mean that at least 75% of your Directors/Trustees, and at least 50% of staff self-identify as belonging to the communities you support.
  • People with lived experience of the issues your organisation addresses should be at the centre of designing, developing, and managing the services you provide.
  • You will be delivering culturally appropriate services that are developed in response to community needs.

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