Grant Funding

Sport England

We want to support projects that bring communities together and provide sport and physical activities for people who may be less physically active.

We also particularly want to support projects focusing on environmental sustainability.

We believe that communities that work together and share resources provide a stronger and more sustainable impact.

Therefore, we want applications from projects that demonstrate how they connect with their communities, make best use of the existing skills and assets in an area, and will provide the biggest possible impact to those who need it most.

We also want projects to show how they’ve sought to reduce their impact on the environment through the goods and services they use to deliver the activity.

Things we fund:

  • Coaching – providing opportunities for those less likely to be active, offering them an activity they want to participate in.
  • Volunteer training – develop your organisation’s volunteer base through offering training to both new and existing volunteers.
  • Service alterations  providing new ways of delivering your existing activity to attract new participants/members, for example offering outreach or web-based classes or targeting new audiences through connecting with other providers in your locality.
  • Additional equipment  to enable expansion of activity or safer delivery of activity, for example a defibrillator and associated costs (such as training for its use) as part of a wider project to deliver sport and physical activity.
  • Minor facility alterations – examples include adapting a community space to make it more accessible for those with mobility impairments, refurbishing a space to enable sport and physical activity to be offered or improving a space to make it more energy efficient. Please note, you must have, or provide confirmation that you don’t need, the relevant planning permission/building control consent and/or landlord approval. Your application will not be successful unless you include this information in your application.

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