Grant Funding

Wellbeing Support For New Fathers And Fathers-To-Be

Grants of up to £10k are available for local organisations with projects in Norfolk that support the wellbeing of new fathers and fathers-to-be.

The fund aims to provide funding for voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector organisations working in Norfolk who are supporting fathers in the first 1001 days of fatherhood, from conception to an infant’s 2nd birthday.

Funding is for organisations working to improve the wellbeing of new fathers in the first 1001 days. Funded activities should meet at least one of the following outcomes:

  • Improving perinatal mental health that fathers can access.
  • Improving positive parent and infant relationships for fathers.

Grants can cover:

  • Volunteer recruitment and training or specific staff training to enhance services and build skills/capacity to support fathers perinatal mental health and parent-infant relationships.
  • Digital infrastructure development – for example improving online access to information, expertise and resources, or facilitating online groups.
  • Developing social spaces and peer support networks – helping people with shared experiences to connect and provide support to one another.
  • Opportunities for fathers and their infants to engage in activities that strengthen their relationships.
  • Activities which target support to fathers experiencing inequalities in accessing support, such as separated fathers, fathers of children with SEND, fathers with learning difficulties, and fathers with English as an additional language.
  • Father-specific antenatal care groups – eg support with feeding and routines etc.

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