Suicide Prevention Small Grants

Up to £10k available from the partnership between Leeds Community Foundation and Public Health which aims to fund local third sector community initiatives to support people at risk of suicide. The fund aims to support social activities determined by local participants and to provide outreach work with targeted communities to reduce social isolation and promote […]

Henry Smith

Up to £210k to support small, grass roots organisations who are embedded in the community, working within the most deprived areas of the UK. Through this grant programme we want to make sure that our funding reaches organisations that provide services which are widely accessible to the whole community and respond to, and address the […]

Masonic Foundation

Up to £60k to support disadvantaged children and young people, as well as vulnerable older people, in England and Wales. Our Charity Grants programme is open to registered charities in England and Wales working with any of our four main priority groups:

Trusthouse Trust

We want to fund work which addresses the challenges of local communities in areas of extreme deprivation. Our preference is for front line organisations working directly with people in need. We are unlikely to support campaigning, organisational development or capacity building. We will consider new work which is a logical extension of existing work, but […]

Boosting Advice Fund

This fund aims to support advice-focused organisations to improve the quality of, and access to, advice for older people facing financial hardship and achieve outcomes against the following themes: Funding is for projects that will achieve one or more of the following outcomes:  Outcomes for older people:  Outcomes for funded organisations:  Eligible costs include: Priority […]

Community Fund

The Community Fund aims to invest in projects at a local level which can achieve positive outcomes for individuals and communities across three key areas: Grants can be awarded for specific projects that support communities within North Yorkshire to “Be Safe and Feel Safe”, including:

Liverpool Health And Wellbeing Fund

Funding of up to £90k to encourage greater collaboration between the NHS and VCFSE organisations to help tackle health inequalities and achieve the following outcomes: Proposals must support health and well-being in the following communities:

Morrisons Foundation

Charities registered in the UK can apply for grants from the newly established Morrisons Foundation. The Foundation is looking to award approximately £2 million a year for community projects that improve people’s lives. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and there is no specific grant amount that can be applied for but applicants must […]

Wooden Spoon Charity

Schools, charities and community organisations can apply for grants for projects that improve the quality and prospect of life for children and young people who are disadvantaged physically, mentally or socially including those Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET). The grants available include capital projects such as medical treatment and recovery centres, sports and […]

Reaching Communities

We fund projects and organisations that work to make positive changes in their community. By community we mean people living in the same area, or people with similar interests or life experiences. We offer funding that starts at £10,001. We can fund projects or organisations that’ll do at least one of these things: We want […]